Parkinson’s Disease may be preveventable!
Recently I heard Ray Dorsey MD, a researcher and neurologist discuss that Parkinson’s Disease was uncommon, but now is exploding in the number of cases over the last 20 years. First off only about 25% may have genetic associations. Head injuries from football are an obvious association. Chemical associations from pesticides, herbicides, and dry cleaning chemicals have strong associations with Parkinson’s disease. Our aging population is another risk factor. Diabetes and hypertension are treatable factors. It is likely there are multiple factors accounting for this terrible problem. Likely toxins mixing with inflammatory/ genetic factors. The problem may not involve high chemical work exposure. And the effect may be delayed years after the exposure. The problem may be complicated by lifestyle. Toxins such as smoking and alcohol may trigger symptoms. The Standard American Diet with high sugars and saturated fats may increase the onset of the disea...